Sunday, January 8, 2012

Starting Something Big

    I am a wife and a mother.  The further along I go in my life, the more I realize how bad everything is for myself and my family.  My family suffers from a number of ailments and the more I research, the more I want to write off every product known to man.

    While I grew up with a mother that was insistent about the health benefits of vitamins and other dietary supplements, she was not as "crunchy" as you'd think.  She has over the years become more keen on organic and all natural, but still not to the extent that I want to be.  That has made for me doing a ton of research myself!  My husband, on the other hand, grew up on canned and prepared foods, cheap hygiene products and just making do with what they had.  Just making do, is how we are currently living.  Like many people these days, we live on very little, but I will NOT let that stop me from taking steps to live simpler.

    At this point in our lives we can't afford really any foods that are labeled as 'healthier', but I choose to see that as an advantage.  I can't be lazy and just take the box's word.  I have to make things from scratch and put the work into it, but I always know what I'm putting into or onto my body.

    I have already taken a few steps to make life simpler, but it was only to make life cheaper.  I make my own household cleaner, and laundry detergent.  I usually make things like beans from scratch.  I bake bread and rolls as often as I can.  I even make my own pizza sauce for my pizza!

    However, I want to become freed from the avalanche of products and the chemicals in them.  I want to use products that help my family rather than make our issues worse.  AND I don't want the price tag that usually comes with it!  I am making a decision here and now to take steps to start making everything I can.  The less I spend at the store, the better.  This is my journey to simplicity.

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