Thursday, April 5, 2012

Energy Costs

Wow!  It's April already!?!?  So sorry for the delay between posts.  It get's kind of crazy with a toddler and we like to try to keep things simple :-D

Anyhoo, I've got 2 posts that I'm doing today to make up for my absence, but the second one won't be until later.

This post is all about how we've cut back or energy bills!  Here, in Las Vegas, power rates can get pretty ridiculous, especially being home all day long.  They charge more during the daytime hours so we have a little less of an advantage staying in.  Fortunately, it's still cool outside so there is no need for the AC to be on.  We do, however, use the heater.  We did the following things to cut our power usage and saw a difference on both our gas and electric bills.  Both of them were significantly lower than the previous month as well as compared to the same time last year.

1) We cut our TV usage to 3 hours per day. This was hardest on my husband, but he was kind enough to oblige me.

2) We (meaning I) cut our computer usage down to 4 hours, 3 days a week.  This is the main reason I haven't kept up on posting.

3) We turned the thermostat down to 70° during the day and then opened all the curtains, allowing the sun to heat our house.  It was still cold in the bedrooms, but we spend most of our day in the main parts of the house where it was as high as 85° just from the sun!  I still haven't figured out how to make the opposite happen this summer when it's 115° outside.

4) This seems to be the most obvious to me, but I don't think my husband realized how big of a deal it was.  Keeping the lights off!  He always forgets that the lights are on in the morning.  But I am also a big culprit at night because I hate sitting in the dark (it makes me sleepy).  I have started just keeping the 1 or 2 biggest lights on and all the little ones off at night.

Well, there you have it!  This is how we eliminated a great deal of energy costs and most importantly, it didn't affect my oven usage!
Do you have any energy saving tips?  Please share them!

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