Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Sugar Detox Week 2 & 3: No White Flour & No Desserts

So... I got a little busy last week and couldn't do an update on week 2 of our current detox.  Week 2 was No White Flour.  Now we're on week 3, which is No Desserts.  Let's start with last week since it was rather eventful.

On Sunday last week my husband basically had a melt down because he thought there was nothing to eat in the house and he couldn't go get a burger or burrito to ease his hunger pains.  If this detox teaches us nothing else, it will at least teach us to wait for our food because preparation takes time.  We are having to get accustomed to making food when we are hungry, or at least preparing it.  That was the first problem of the week.

On Monday last week I spent the entire day in the kitchen making "snacks" for my family because apparently fruit doesn't count as a snack.  Who knew?  Oh what a day it was!  I then proceeded to spend the rest of my week trying to keep up with my family's appetite.

The biggest problem that we seem to run into is that we run out of bread pretty quickly.  I make our bread, so it is a 4 hr process for me to make some more bread.  I plan to begin making the dough in larger batches so that I can freeze the extra and just thaw it when we need more bread, but I've been holding off until I have made some sprouted flour.

Another difficulty I have run into is that I have yet to find a decent tortilla recipe that doesn't break a part when I try to make a burrito.  I guess I get to experiment with that next!

This week we began no desserts.  No big deal for us, at least at the moment.  I have found myself craving chocolate bars lately, but that could always just be a hormonal thing :-)  No desserts is any form of dessert including candy.  I've been getting my night time sweet fix with a little bit of fruit and some raw yogurt.

Next week we will be removing all refined sugar from our diets.  I've basically done that already, but there are still a few things that I'll need to make adjustments on.  That also means that I need to go buy some more organic unrefined sugar for our pancakes and oatmeal.  Don't worry, that'll be omitted soon enough!

As for right now, I'm working on perfecting a couple things so I can do some how to's and I'm currently photo recording my first attempt at making sprouted wheat flour.  Stay tuned for things to get interesting VERY soon!

In the mean time, how often does your family eat dessert and what is your favorite kind?

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