Thursday, September 6, 2012

Sugar Detox Week 1: No High Fructose Corn Syrup

I'm sure that most of us are aware of the fact that high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is not good for us.  If you're not, a simple Google search can remedy that :-)

The question becomes, how bad is it and should I completely avoid it?

The answer to that question is up for debate, but with the research I've done and the medical problems we struggle with in our family, we've chosen to cut it out!

I will start by saying that for the next 7 1/2 weeks we are continuing a Sugar Detox that I found on a wonderfully informational blog called Naturally Knocked Up.  While I do have fertility problems that I am learning to deal with and hopefully correct, that is not what led me to this site.  I happened across it while Googling something having to do with non-soy eating.  What a co-in-ki-dink, huh?

This is going to be kind of my journal of the process from now until the end.  Once we are done with the detox, I hope to not have any type of refined sugar or flour in my house, but that doesn't mean we won't eat elsewhere simply because the food isn't ideal.

We go to potlucks and we have family dinners with my in-laws.  We enjoy a nice dinner out and occasionally want to splurge on some delicious Marble Slab Creamery ice cream.  I guess for me the rule is: If it's real, I'll eat it.  If it's scientifically made/fake, It's off limits for me.  My hubby isn't quite as picky as me, he's more concerned about taste (at least that route usually means it's real!)

Anyways, back to HFCS...

I have chosen to completely avoid HFCS in any way shape or form, but I do LOVE Dr Pepper.  I may have to purchase a stash of the old school DP that is made with cane sugar.  It's still off limits for now, but once the detox is over, I may have to have a stash for an occasional treat.  Once again, I digress...

I have PCOS which makes me a higher risk than normal for diabetes.  I need to completely stay away from HFCS and pretty much all refined sugar.  That is why this is an important part of my journey to simplicity.  No more hazardous foods means I'm less likely to need hazardous medications :-D

So we began our detox this past Sunday.  My husband was not thrilled when I threw out his BBQ sauce because it had HFCS.  Nor was he happy about the brand new jar of jam that got tossed too.  Well, he got over it and I've since replaced the BBQ sauce.  I have yet to make a replacement jam, but it IS on my To-do list!

The amazing thing was that I didn't have to throw as much out as I thought I would have to.  My fridge and pantry are looking rather bare since cleaning out all soy-containing foods.  The actually removed A LOT of the HFCS.  What does that tell you about the products we are eating that contain soy?  A topic for another day...

On Monday we went to Whole Foods to replace the ketchup, BBQ sauce, and to purchase some stuff I needed to make chicken stock (perhaps another post?)  I also purchased a massive gallon of honest to God apple juice (you know the expensive, organic, just juice kind?) for only $8!!! Yeah, you read that right!  And yeah, I really said it was at Whole Foods!

So, step one in the process was done, there is no HFCS in my house!

Then came feeding my family...

We had some delicious meals.  BBQ chicken with mashed sweet potatoes and green beans was on the top of my hubby's faves for this week.  Yesterday was leftover night.  Fortunately, I had planned on starting this detox and so the week before I didn't make any meals with HFCS, therefore all of our leftovers were keepers when it came time to clean the fridge out.

So far, I haven't really missed my DP.  I did for about a half hour last night think it sounded good, but I held my ground.

While we have cut out the HFCS, apparently we are not ready to cut the caffeine.  I have made a 3 qt pitcher of iced tea nearly every day this week so far.  I enjoy it and my husband will drink it since there is no soda.  I have yet to open up the apple juice mainly because I'm not sure how to fit it in my fridge, but I'll work on that soon.

Now I'm preparing for next week which will cut out refined flour.  This is something we've already done in our house, but that means no muffins from Winco, and no pastries in the Grazing Room at church on Sundays.  We'll have to stick to cheese and fruit... Not even crackers! Perhaps I'll make my own and sneak them in in my purse?

Since finding out my daughter is allergic to soy, I've had to start baking all of our bread.  Well, I could have continued purchasing bread for my husband, but if I'm going through the trouble, I might as well make his too!  Not to mention that I'm happy to cut the soy oil from HIS diet too :-)

Back to bread, I've been researching a lot about soaked and sprouted grains (another e-book available from Naturally Knocked Up called 'Is Your Flour Wet?').  I've decided on sprouting wheat and making my own flour.

At the moment I don't have the items I need, but they are on their way as I type (VERY EXCITED!).  For the time being, I figured I'd better get baking and find a recipe I like so I don't waste my sprouted flour.  I finally found a recipe that I and my husband LOVE.  I'll share that next week in my update on switching to whole grains :-)

You are welcome to join in on the detox and share how it goes for you!  I would love to hear your thoughts on the sugar addiction crisis here in America...

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