Monday, October 15, 2012

Sugar Detox Week 6 & 7: Reduce natural sugar intake & Reduce Grains

So I got a little busy last week and didn't get to update you on my detox.  Last week was week 6: Reduce natural sugar intake.  Last week wasn't too bad because we had been preparing for it mentally.  Basically, you're supposed to limit your added natural sugar to 1 teaspoon per day.  My husband made an adjustment and made it 2 teaspoons per day because he has 2 cups of coffee in the morning.  That is an amazing improvement from the 2 tablespoons he usually puts in each cup of coffee :-)

I will confess that we did break our detox a couple times.  Friday was our niece and nephew's birthday celebration and we felt compelled to go simply because we have avoided mostly all family functions involving dessert (which is the majority of them) for the past 6 weeks!  We did have cake and it was made from a box so not only did we eat something bad, my daughter ate soy, which she is allergic to.  She has been having a harder time with her seasonal allergies since then :-(

On top of that, Saturday was my husband and my 5 year wedding anniversary, so we decided to break detox and have a nice dinner at Steak N Shake followed by a movie where we had candy and soda.  My husband thinks I'm crazy, but that soda seemed sweeter than usual, it was almost gross.  Almost!  We did throw away all of our extras so that we wouldn't be tempted to eat them later.

Ok, now I've confessed and now we are back on track, although I fear that I may have ruined all of my hard work because I could swear that I was experiencing die off last week.  All week I was having terrible stomach and intestinal pain.  While I do experience it on occasion, it just wouldn't let up!  I am still having some of that pain, so perhaps I didn't completely do myself in.

Now for this week.  Week 7: Reduce grains.  Basically the goal is to have 1 meal a day without grains or starches.  The reasoning is that grains and starches do still cause an increase in blood sugar and the goal of this detox is to break your body's addiction to that increase.  That is why we cut the really bad sugars first.  The refined sugars cause more of an increase.  Now we are limiting the increase from healthy sugars.  I will be focusing on 1 meal per day.  My husband on the other hand, due to his need to pack a  lunch and our need to keep within our grocery budget, will be doing 1 meal every other day.  Basically, I will make dinner without and grains or starches every other day and then I will eat a lunch without grains or starches on the in between days.  I may need to make a meal plan, which I should be doing anyways.  Oh well!

Tonight we are going to be having spaghetti made with spaghetti squash.  If you've never had it before, it is delicious.  The spaghetti squash is a bit crunchier than spaghetti pasta, but still very tasty.  I make my own sauce, so I don't have to worry about added sugar and it is very easy to make!

Homemade Spaghetti Sauce:
1-2 Tbl Oil (I like Olive Oil)
1 lb. ground meat (We like sausage)
1-2 cloves of garlic
1/2 c. chopped onion
2- 15 oz cans tomato sauce (I make my own due to my daughter's soy allergy)
1 Tbl Italian seasoning

Put the oil in a large pot or pan with a lid.  Your pot needs to have a wide bottom to accommodate the amount of meat.  Break up the meat into the pot and brown.  Once it is brown add the garlic and onion and cook until the onion is translucent and tender.  Next pour in your tomato sauce and your Italian seasoning.  Stir until well combined.  Let simmer for at least 30 minutes before serving.  If you want your sauce thicker, let it simmer uncovered for a while until the extra liquids evaporate.  If you want it thinner, you can either add more tomato sauce or add some water.  If you want it chunkier, you can either chop up some ripe tomatoes to throw in or you can use diced tomatoes instead of tomato sauce.

This is a very basic spaghetti sauce, but my husband raves about it :-)

Do you have any grain/starch free meals that you prepare?  I need some ideas!

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