Saturday, October 27, 2012

Sugar Detox Week 8: No Added Sugar

Well, we are finally wrapping up our final detox week.  This week was no added sugar.  That basically mean that we didn't put any sugar in our coffee.  So let me do a quick run through of all the things we have cut from out diets in the past 2 months.
1) No High Fructose Corn Syrup ( I can't believe I've gone 2 months without soda!)
2) No Refined Flour (we did cheat occasionally and have pizza nights, but it was at least sourdough!)
3) No Desserts
4) No Refined Sugars
5) No Quick breads
6) Limit Natural Sugars to 1 teaspoon per day
7) Limit Grains & Starches
8) No Added Sugar

Wow!  I have to admit that this was a huge step for our family.  This detox has caused us to cut out pretty much all processed foods with just a couple exceptions, but even the exceptions followed our detox rules!  In cutting all of our processed foods, my daughter's bowels have regulated, I am no longer having severe digestive pain, and my husband doesn't think it has made a difference to him, but we'll see when he goes to eat a candy bar on Halloween next week!

To celebrate our success we get to enjoy some delicious tacos at church tomorrow.  It will be our church's annual Ministry Festival.  This year is a fiesta and they will be serving tacos.  It will be the first time in 8 weeks that I don't have to ask what is in every little thing!  I will still be careful not to eat a bunch of sweets.  However, I'm not sure I can say the same for my husband ;-)

If you're thinking about doing a sugar detox, DO IT!  I have to say that I feel so accomplished having finished something that is so good for me!  And now, I've learned so much about what is in food and how it affects my body.  I am planning on going on a true detox at the beginning of January and I almost can't wait to do it!  If you're just starting to learn about nutrition and whole foods, keep digging, keep learning, and keep making changes.  Take it one step at a time and embrace the changes because they are so good for you, your children, and your future family members!

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